However, 52,000 Americans had fallen for COVID-19 scams by the end of June, with that number most definitely rising in the months that followed. But don’t be too alarmed, voice is still alive and well and remains preferential for complex customer support issues. Furthermore, 50% of call centers report spikes in digital channel traffic during the Pandemic. Social media brand engagement jumped to 80%, with more and more consumers reverting to other means of communication for their issues. Forced by the Pandemic, call centers, and contact centers have moved remote on a massive scale, closing down physical offices in favor of virtual ones. The call center outsourcing market is booming with more and more agents being able to work from their homes. The Age of Virtual Contact Centers is here. The Remote Contact Center Has Become the New Normal. For more updates on the contact center space, check out our Blog section. Further down, you can read why many contact centers are hesitant to switch to WFH and some advice on how they should proceed. Such decisions clearly go against and actively undermine all efforts by the CDC, federal and local government – and the world even – to limit the spread of COVID-19.
There’s no shortage of call centers that are outright refusing to move to remote work during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
reports on contact centers that are refusing to switch to a work-from-home model for their agents.
new regulations from federal and state governments.The following is a list of call & contact center industry reports related to COVID-19.